Abstracts will be accepted in the following topic areas outlined below. To submit your abstract, please use this ConfTool link. Authors will be notified by March 15, 2024, if their abstract has been accepted into the technical program. Please see below for important dates regarding abstract submission. If you do not have a profile, you will be prompted to make one.
Full Paper Submission Deadline
Timeline for Abstract Submissions
Abstract Topic Areas
Dielectrics and Electromagnetic Phenomena
• Dielectrics, Insulation, and Breakdown
• Plasmas, Discharges, and Electromagnetic Phenomena
• Lasers, X-Rays, EUV, Partial Discharge Testing, and Other Emitters
High Voltage and Power Modulator Components
• Power Electronics, Power Supplies, Prime Power, Rotating Machines, and Energy Converters
• Solid State Power Modulators, Components, and Systems
• Power Electronics and High Voltage
• High Voltage Design, Devices, Testing, and Diagnostics
• Opening, Closing, and Solid-State Switches
Power Modulator Systems and Applications
• Repetitive Pulsed Power Systems, Repetitive Pulsed Magnetics, Accelerators, Beams, High Power Microwaves, and High Power Pulse Antennas
• Electromagnetic Launchers, High Current Systems, High Rep-Rate Systems, Thermal Management, and Applications
• Power Modulator Configurations, Systems, Diagnostics, and Applications in Vacuum and Low Pressure
• New and Novel Applications of Power Modulators
• Analytical Methods, Modeling, and Simulation
• Biological, Medical, and Environmental Applications of Power Modulators
Publication Guidelines
The 2024 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference Proceedings will be published on CD and on IEEE Xplore. There are tremendous lasting rewards for your paper to be included in the conference proceedings, as they will serve as a permanent record in the literature and be available on IEEE Xplore.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically by Monday, June 1st, 2024, and follow the IEEE conference paper format (templates provided below). The submission website will be the same as that used for abstract collection, and may be accessed here. Papers submitted may include color material, but must still be legible in black and white.
Peer reviews will judge if:
Manuscript Template Download
Word Template 1– This template is used when there is one author affiliation.
Word Template 2– This template is used when there are two author affiliations.
Word Template 3– This template is used when there are many author affiliations.
Manuscript Submission Instructions
To aid in submitting your manuscript through the Conftool system, a step-by-step guide is available here. Please review this guide prior to submitting your manuscript.
Questions about the publication policies and procedures should be directed to the Publications Chair, Shad Holt (shad.holt@ieee.org).
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations for the 2024 IEEE IPMHVC/EIC will have a strict maximum allotted presentation time as follows:
In order to keep the program on schedule, session chairs will strictly enforce these times. However, it is the responsibility of the presenters to prepare slides and rehearse the presentation to be compatible with these constraints. Requirements for oral presentations include:
Poster Presentations
Poster sessions are a valuable method for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. Therefore, it is important that you display results clearly to attract people who have an interest in your work and your paper. Simply “posting the pages of the written version of your proceedings paper” is not effective, and thus not acceptable as a poster. Requirements for poster presentations include: