Position | Member | Institution | |
General Conference Chair | George Laity | Sandia National Laboratories | grlaity@sandia.gov |
Technical Program Chair | Robert Saethre | Oak Ridge National Laboratories | rsaethre@ieee.org |
Publications Chair | William White | Sandia National Laboratories | wmwhite@ieee.org |
Conference Treasurer | Allen Garner | Purdue University | algarner@purdue.edu |
Publicity & Promotions Chair | Sterling Beeson | Air Force Research Laboratory | sterling.beeson@us.af.mil |
Exhibits & Sponsors Chair | Peter Norgard | University of Missouri | norgardp@missouri.edu |
Visa Chair | Tao Shao | Chinese Academy of Sciences | st@mail.iee.ac.cn |
Professional Awards Chair | Bucur Novac | Loughborough University | b.m.novac@lboro.ac.uk |
Student Awards Chair | Cameron Hettler | SARA, Inc. | chettler@sara.com |
Short Course Chair | Xiu Yao | University of Buffalo | xiuyao@buffalo.edu |
Local Area Coordinator | Shawna Laity | Texas Tech University | shawna.laity@gmail.com |
Mailing List Coordinator | Matthew Aubuchon | Arrivo | matthew.aubuchon@ arrivo-loop.com |
Website Coordinator | Andrew Fierro | Sandia National Laboratories | asfierr@sandia.gov |
IPMHVC ExCom Chair | Richard Ness | Ness Engineering, Inc. | nessengr@san.rr.com |