The 2018 IPMHVC will award a limited number of Student Travel Grants to promising students to help defray the costs of attending the conference. These awards, ranging from $500 to $1000, are reserved for full-time graduate or undergraduate university students in the fields of engineering, science, or technology. The criteria for selection will be based on the student’s accomplishments and future plans, level of participation in the conference, and individual need relative to the expected travel costs. The student applicant should be an author on at least one paper to be presented at the conference.
Student travel grant nomination packages are due March 15, 2018. Please send complete nomination packages via email to the Student Awards Chair:
- A letter of nomination (maximum one page) from the student’s research advisor or department head, specifying the student’s level of academic degree and status.
- A CV (maximum two pages) including the student’s research contributions, papers, presentations, educational accomplishments, previous awards, and GPA.
- A copy of the submitted 2018 IPMHVC abstract(s) where the student is an author.
- A short letter (~300 words) from the student detailing their expected participation in the conference, and what they hope to learn by attending.