Conference Proceedings

Publication Guidelines

The 2018 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference Proceedings will be published on CD and on IEEE Xplore. There are tremendous lasting rewards for your paper to be included in the conference proceedings, as they will serve as a permanent record in the literature and be available on IEEE Xplore.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically by 5:00 PM MST, Wednesday, May 30th, Friday, June 15th, 2018 and follow the IEEE conference paper format (templates provided below). The submission website will be the same as that used for abstract collection, and may be accessed here.  Papers submitted may include color material, but must still be legible in black and white.

  1. The paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers before acceptance.
  2. Comments from reviewers will be sent to the Technical Program Chair who will in turn communicate with the authors.
  3. At least one author must have registered for the conference.
  4. The paper must have been presented at the conference.
  5. The paper must not appear elsewhere on Xplore. All papers will be submitted to the CrossCheck system prior to peer review.
  6. All submitting authors must include a signed IEEE Copyright and Consent Form (IEEE Copyright Form).

Peer reviews will judge if:

  1. The abstract summarizes the paper, and covers the same items as the conclusions.
  2. The paper says something that is new.
  3. The paper is factual and/or theoretically valid, i.e. experimental results are realistic, the analysis is correct and the theory is mathematically and scientifically sound.
  4. The paper avoids blatant commercialism, and logos are absent.
  5. The English is readable and the work is presented in a clear and logical order.
  6. There are sufficient references, which are referred to appropriately in the text.
  7. The paper follows the format provided.
  8. The Figures and Tables are legible and clear when printed in black & white, with readable legends.
  9. The page limit for most papers is 6 pages, with 8 pages for invited talks.

Manuscript Template Download

Word Template 1– This template is used when there is one author affiliation.

Word Template 2– This template is used when there are two author affiliations.

Word Template 3– This template is used when there are many author affiliations.

Manuscript Submission Instructions

To aid in submitting your manuscript through the Indico system, a step-by-step guide is available here. Please review this guide prior to submitting your manuscript.

Questions about the publication policies and procedures should be directed to the Publications Chair, Will White (